Project Description

Cities are constantly evolving and facing new challenges as their population grows. Therefore, urban renewal comes as a tool in order to solve these challenges by revitalising unused or underused spaces and turning them into liveable areas once again. Agorapolis has worked with both public and private clients on urban regeneration projects which translated into revitalising existing urban spaces and repurposing existing infrastructure in order to deliver something tailor-made for the diverse communities that inhabit them.

Zoning Plan
Urban Renewal
Compozitorilor Area

Client: Municipality of Constanta
Status: Approved 2023
Presentation Brochure (RO)

Zoning Plan
Urban Renewal
Delavrancea Area

Client: Municipality of Constanta
Status: Under procedure of receiving specifices notices
Existing studies

Zoning Plan
Urban Renewal
Balada Area

Client: Municipality of Constanta
Status: Approved 2023
Presentation Brochure (RO)

Zoning Plan
Urban Renewal
in Tomis Nord Area (Avantech Cont)

Client: Municipality of Constanta
Status: Approved 2023
Location: Municipality of Constanta
Presentation Brochure (RO)

Zoning Plan
Urban Renewal of Popa Sapca – Oituz area
in the City of Timisoara

Client: Municipality of Timisoara
Status: Under procedure of receiving specifices notices
Location: Municipality of Timisoara
Presentation Brochure (RO)
Visualisation (RO)